Sunday, May 29, 2016


I've recently joined this exciting meme, where I'm supposed to complete  four given statements. The whole exercise inspires one to think and come up with  new ideas to fill up the blanks. Below are four statements, which I've completed.The given words are in bold letters.....

1. Whatever happened to all of us that we as citizens of the world are becoming selfish, self-centered and lacking in empathy towards pressing global issues? World is shrinking and we can’t ignore the problems and vulnerabilities faced by less privileged populations of other countries.

2. I always am, reminded of the struggle and strife of the people of war torn nations who are continuously being killed, maimed and deprived of even basic human needs on Memorial Day.

3. I used to wish for a comfortable, consistent life, but now I realize that to grow and contribute to society one should be prepared to come out of one’s comfort zone to participate in exciting activities for a purposeful existence.

4. I just cannot indulge in slander and gossip no matter what. I never allow myself to be part of a  group where such activities are enjoyed and guffawed at.

Friends,welcome here as always! 

Linking to:
Friendly Fill-Insl


  1. Uppal, Your link does not work. I will try to re-load it for you.
    I love your answers. I think they are thoughtful and important. I struggle with #4, often. I agree with you and it is not a popular decision. People tend to band against those who disagree. Thanks for joining us in the Friendly Fill-Ins.
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

    1. I re-entered your link. It works, now. I deleted the broken one. Please email me, so we can discuss it. I don't have your email address. Mine is:

    2. Thanks! I'll contact you before the next Friendly Fill ins.

    3. I think as regards people banding against you at your dissent,one need not care if one is doing the right thing.

  2. Thank you for participating in the friendly fill-ins. I enjoyed your answers, especially the first one. We are lucky to have such good lives and should try to help those less fortunate.

  3. Hari OM
    Those are some excellent prompts - and the worthy responses I would expect of Uppal-ji!!! YAM xx
