Monday, April 27, 2015


Spring's glorious moments:

 As I'd informed in a previous post, my cactus flowers were ruined by strong winds and a rain spell. Fortunately this threesome is the surprise element as they grew up as freaks. Cactus flowers are very delicate.They stay only for a few hours and wither away quickly in the sun. The charm they exude is worth waiting for, no matter how transient it is.

 These orange blooms on long central stems are the ones I look after. I love them as they stay intact for a couple of days and fill the space beautifully. These are perennials.
   The bougainvillea bush across our front yard(above) gives two colored blooms, white and pink. Its green fresh spread is soothing and  enlivening.

The rose bush above is from one of our neighbor's flowerbed.

Friends,welcome here and thanks for the support!

Linked to: Our World,image-in-ing,Today's Flowers
Nature Notes,I heart macro

Sunday, April 26, 2015


  Early morning shots ,while sitting in my front yard!

What is happening down under?

Undecided yet.

The small butterfly savoring the virgin nectar of a marigold at an early morning sortie!

 For the first time I'd click this feisty pair of parrots on top of a tree!

Friends, welcome here as always!

Linked to:
camera-critters, Saturday Critters,id-rather-b-birding

Thursday, April 23, 2015


 Linked to:
Good Fences
Sky Watch Friday

   Placid midday breathing freshness of the green cover!

Early morning shot of the rising sun amidst urban milieu! Captured from our backyard!

Friends,welcome and thanks for your support!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


'O' is for Orchestra

 Orchestra of life:

Entwines multiple notes in life’s trajectory,
Etches, experienced moments in its cognitive memory.
The songs we sing the melodies we create,
Express subtle longings hard to assuage.

Uncertainties entangle us, doubts thrive,                
Yet, the pleasures of life we dearly prize.
Life is a challenge and a ceaseless struggle,
Where winning and losing are mere sly bubbles.

Life is like a rattle a mom gives her baby
To distract, to amuse or to ease colic pain may be.
How pitiful to sap the life force through grudges!
Why not hold to the floating vibrant nudges.

All said and done-
Our short sojourn is a wonder and a mystery,
Indecipherable, yes! yet possesses  a unique gift of curiosity.

Friends,welcome here as always! 

Linked to: ABC Wednesday,Josie Two Shoes, Wordless Wednesday

Monday, April 20, 2015


 Spring's surprises:

 This is the oldest cactus variety I'd which survived our long absenteeism and our gardener's apathy. I  started following the journey of the buds when they first appeared as tiny dark blobs.Within a couple of days they grew this much (above) ready to flower. I's excitedly waiting for the moment to click the tender beauties . But this was not to be. When they opened their petals it was raining and unexpected strong wind felled them. I'll have to wait another six months to get that chance again. It is alright. Nature  does play tricks off and on.   

                              The orange hued flowers are coming up profusely inside the

                              net fence across our boundary wall.

         A neighbor's bougainvillea bush resplendent with light purple blossoms.

 Linked to:

 Our World Tuesday, image-in-ing.  Today's Flowers , Nature Notes ,

 I Heart Macro , Outdoor Wednesday

 Friends welcome here as always!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


                               Morning Assembly : Trying to reach a consensus.

                                             The best place to survey the world.

                                               Meditating on a grey evening.


Friends, welcome here as always!

Linked to: Camera Critters,http://id-rather-b-birding

Saturday Critters.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


 Linking to:  
 Good Fences ,    
 Sky Watch Friday

 Cloudy afternoon sky captured from the roof of our house last week.

Posting for the new but interesting  meme. A walk in the neighborhood prompted this click and subsequently participation.

Friends, welcome here as always!


  This week's challenge is :

 "CLOSEUP" (Taken Close up, Macro, Small Things,...)

 It is said, small is the new big,
 As satire is the perfect dig.

Today is a rainy day. It is cloudy and dark. I'd to make do with something from inside. I decided to offer the pictures of this pair of small candle holders.  The one on the right has some varied colored beads inside the hollow. I didn't remove them before clicking.The lacy round thing underneath was crocheted by me a few years back.

Friends, welcome here as always!

 Linked to:
Thursday Challenge

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


                                                            Pic: Google

'N' is for Nature

Nature has no borders,

No conspiracies it harbors.

It is divinity  with a magic wand,

Vast, princely, utilitarian and beyond.

 Its kind and kingly universe,

Showers blessings, maintains gentle observe.

It nurtures flora, fauna and humankind

Forgives, forgets, instilling piety in the mind.

It is open, transparent and vouches for clarity,

Enfolds its squabbling subjects with charity.

It is a marvel-

How its subtle signals lead and inspire!

Ensures, the majesty intact of its crazy empire


Nature’s unquestionable supremacy,

Holds man's existence in  absolute primacy.

Friends,welcome here as always! 

Linked to:
ABC Wednesday,  Josie Two Shoes  ,Wordless Wednesday

Monday, April 13, 2015



Spring's bridal wear catches eye balls all around. These days my world represents blooms of  resplendent hues and multiple designs by the supreme designer above.Visual feast indeed!

Friends,welcome here as always!

Linked to: Our World ,image--in-ing , Today's Flowers,   Nature Notes,

I heart macro ,  Outdoor Wednesday

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Now we know, why do you click,
Obviously, to learn all our tricks!

Assessing the next move

Looks like queuing up for some important mission !

Captured the dainties a few days back.

Friends,welcome here as always!

Linked to:
Camera Critters,Saturday Critters,I'd-rather-b-birding

Thursday, April 9, 2015


The view of the splendid sky design, the residents of our community can enjoy freely, only, if they've time "to stand and stare."

Last week's sky watch captured from the back verandah of our house at Patiala. 

Friends, welcome here as always!          Linked to:              Sky Watch Friday

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


 This week's challenge is:

"TWO" (Twins, Two of Anything,...)

Here is my offering for the challenge!

Friends, welcome here as always!

Linked to: Thursday Challenge


 Pic: courtesy Google

'M' is for morning

My morning starts when my ears respond to the crescendo of avian noises sneaking in through the closed doors. As if, all the notes of a musical instrument have been  pressed simultaneously. Well, even that at that spiritual hour feels like a boon.  

Moreover, it brings to the fore the blessedness of being alive and responsive. That your senses are alert enough to soak in the uniqueness of the atmospherics. The feeling creates joyful and blissful vibrations. The gentle act of waking up and the consciousness of that happening, manifest the silent welcome you accord to the birth of a new day. The motivating forces  slowly take charge to set the benign  character of the day.

Morning time is sacred and resonates piety. It is pure and virgin unpolluted by the frenzy of human activity. Darkness of the night gives place not only to the light of the day but also symbolizes the lesson of hope a new bloom generates while embellishing your yard. Morning time is fresh and cool as a flower, which is tenderly opening up out of its bud as a gorgeous entity.

Being a retiree, my morning is wholly solely my own. I’m under no scrutiny. I follow a flexible ritualistic blueprint.  I consider following a routine as the byword for ensuring the success of the day. It also promotes mental and physical wellness.
Drawing the curtains aside, I’ve a glimpse of the early morning freshness, imbibing internally the special ambiance of the moment. My gaze rests on the flowerpots and the new blooms resplendent in their virgin glory beckoning me to be with them. The spring flowers seem irresistible. Out I go to have a close meeting with them. Our eyes meet in deep understanding. Sometimes a tiny dewdrop perched on the edge of a flower petal or a blade of grass catch attention. You gape at it in wonder. The artistry of nature is beyond replication.

Unlocking the gate, I come back inside. Sipping my morning cup of tea, I visualize my day. A new day is always brimming with possibilities. Like a bud before it transforms itself into heavenly hues. It makes you conscious about the potential of novel insights to explore and enjoy. You mind map your day to pick, choose and balance the pragmatics of the prospects. Essential it is; otherwise, you waste time in loosely planned, half-hearted efforts.

Wrapped in the serenity of the moment, I move around, slowly and steadily, performing the usual tasks in a relaxed mode, awaiting and hopeful for a fulfilling day. The act is akin to meditation. It involves soothing concentration.  The presence of an energizing life force palpable in the transparency of the morning exudes positivity and inspiration. Spontaneously the silence of the mind repeats words of a personal prayer and thankfulness to omnipresent Almighty for the umpteen benedictions floating modestly.

The natural flow of the day, surefooted as it is takes over the mechanics of the onward journey soon.

Friends,welcome here as always!