Thursday, June 6, 2019


“Some people talk too much without saying a lot.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

V for verbosity:

Dictionary says verbosity is the use of unnecessary words in conversation, speech, debates, etc. Another word ‘tautology’ is a literary device with the same meaning. Verbosity is also called clutter, which in any form is hardly appreciated.

On a lighter note, I can say verbosity is an art that specializes in confounding what really matters. Interestingly some individuals are adept at taking recourse to superficial long-winded interventions to scuttle the real issues being discussed and confuse the listeners.

Luckily the discerning listeners gauge just at the beginning the frivolousness of the arguments and refuse to suffer the blah blah. They lock up their cognition and go to sleep with open eyes signifying a subtle way of showing their disapproval of mere rhetoric. Who likes the ones who exhibit their grandiloquence in everyday situations?

In a small group sometimes, a particular person compulsively indulges in a type of wordy monologue to the discomfiture of all. He goes on babbling in so many words the same thing. He loves his own voice so much that nobody else gets a chance to participate in the discussion. Others try to ignore in the first instance. However, if the speaker doesn’t take a hint, they start looking at their watches, fiddle with their smartphones, or simply yawn. Even then, the garrulous fails to end his dull ramblings.

I think each one of us sometimes or the other by mistake or willingly must have watched political debates on TV channels. Such channels are a little too many in my country. Dear hubby calls them ‘unwholesome nonvegetarian stuff.’ Spokespersons of various political parties throw verbal venom at each other so much so that the viewer senses unhealthy vibes polluting the atmosphere around. In fact, their verbiage makes hardly any sense as it diverges from the specified topic and takes recourse to disgusting wordplay to score points.

For me, such shows are a BIG NO.

In fictional writings, some novelists give so much space to descriptive passages that the reader who is always curious to know ‘what happened next’ often skips those lengthy pages. The repetitive style truly bores.

In Shakespeare’s Hamlet one of the characters Polonius remarks,

“Brevity is the soul of wit,
And tedious the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief…..” endorses the logic of preferring conciseness to pompous style.

Friends welcome here as always!

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  1. Hari OM
    Yup, cut to the chase I say! YAM xx

  2. debates can be useful. but as I just heard on some Talking Heads album, "Why say it again?"

  3. Indeed! I have experience meeting such people but I mostly try to keep away from them as they never allow to expressing or hear our thoughts. About the TV debates they mostly portray a bad reputation among public and these debates never conclude or the anchors allowed.

  4. Also termed as verbal diarrhea!? :)

  5. I learned a few new words today. I know a few people who talks too much and it makes me tired listening to them.

  6. Hello, I know a few people who look to hear themselves talk. I like getting to the point and believe short and sweet is the way. Great post! Enjoy your day and weekend!

  7. Did not know the words "verbosity" and "tautology"...
    yes there are some people who actually talk a lot and makes other irritated, i always avoid such people.
    some writers also there who unnecessarily describe the issues being diverted form the main theme.
    Yes, by mistake i have watched such political debates ones in a TV channel.
    Enjoyed reading this post, very nicely described and presented.

  8. I think insecurity is the main reason for verbosity--trying to impress. Personally, I don't engage with such people or in differences of opinions because most people don't know how to 'argue' by sticking to the subject.
    I'm so glad you are a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!
    My Corner of the World

  9. I only wish people would use it less

    Have a heartwarming en splendid ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    M e l o d y (team ABC-W)
