Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Take care of all your memories. for you cannot relive them.                                                                                                                                    Bob Dylan

C is for 'Caring'

Note: Pl. scroll down for sky watch shots.

For this post, I’ve taken up a C-word, which subsumes under its sweet canopy one of the priceless emotions. The word is ‘Caring’. It is a seminal concept, encompasses our cardinal emotions, which make us human. Our life would be barren if nature has not endowed us with feelings of love, compassion, kindness, and concern. Someone who cares is the lucky bearer of all these qualities.

Caring conjures up in the mind many sweet sensations.  Nothing is comparable to the nurturing care our parents bestow on us. If I relive my purest memory, it is that of our beloved parents who used to take care of all our needs when we’ ere growing up. I still remember how my mom would indulge me with tea/lemon water/ milk or whatever I wished for while I sat at my study table for long hours during exams. At times when I’s unwell how she used to hover around me to comfort me and to ensure that I felt better. In some situations, I would be selfish and demanding but my parents never took notice of that. They cared. They loved unconditionally.

Caring for others does wonders for their growth, confidence and personality development. It is like anchoring somebody to reach his potential.

Caring also means never hurting others. Before passing nasty comments, keep in mind that we've no right to rob others of their peace of mind.

Giving a helping hand in discharging household duties is also a form of caring.

Caring for others is ennobling and divine. It is a selfless regard. It blesses the one who receives care and for the one who gives.

Family life would be much more stable and devoid of conflicts if every spouse tries to understand and care for the other while facing life’s countless challenges.

Everybody knows caring and loving our pets is so rewarding. They are not only our faithful friends but great stress busters as well.

I think life would be much more joyful if we consciously do our bit for people around us.

 Some sky shots taken during the week for Sky watch Friday

 It is rainy season here and clouds are supreme for the most part of the day.

 Shot was taken from a friend's balcony while on a  visit.

 Mist rising from the hilltops.

Friends welcome here as always.

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Thursday, July 18, 2019


B is for Beckon:

At the moment rainy season is at its peak in India. Monsoon clouds captivate nature lovers as well as camera aficionados. They exhibit mercurial tendencies, especially in hills. Cloud families act like gypsies as their designer formations keep changing constantly.  Unlike us they come and go at their own will.

There is the down side too.

In some states of India however, continuous rains have caused floods and lakh of people are affected.  They have been shifted to safer places. The Government agencies are on their toes to provide all assistance to the people who are rendered homeless as their makeshift dwellings units could not stand the raging fury of the floodwaters.

Ironically, many parts of India are rain deficit. In some states crops are rain-fed because of lack of irrigation facilities. Sufficient monsoon showers are a much needed boon for farmers and everybody else to prevent the further depletion of groundwater. Water scarcity is looming large not only in India but in many parts of the world. Global cooperation is needed to rectify the situation. 

 Some images of rain clouds from here and there!

Friends welcome here as always!

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Sky Watch
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Nature notes
My corner of the world

Friday, July 12, 2019


ABC Wednesday's 25th round is special and offers a new challenge for our creative juices to flow ragingly!

  A is for Aging

Time’s ruthless sickle is unsparing.
Its onslaught never misses its mark.

Slowly ambushes man's dynamism,

And grins at his feeble labors.

Its roguish persona is a sly robber,

Of the vitality of the sinews.

Disables their power of renewal,

And dries up the linkages of the limbs.

It mocks man’s morbidity,

Being immune to age’s frailties.

Carries on aiming its callous arrows,

At man’s vulnerabilities.

How funny to say, age is only a number!

Why fool with rosy euphemisms.

Do they disarm the attack of disintegration?

Can they stop the furrows of time’s plough?

Can any potion bring back the swagger in the gait?

Or carefree run on the stairs of life;

Or falsify verities of fears, insecurities, and dwindling life force;

Or prevent dipping assurances and lurking letdowns.

Time wields its power in equal measure,

Over mighty kings, rulers or humankind.

All surrender to its karmic symbolism,

‘It is our destiny’ they echo.


An epilogue for the aging:

Be engaged, be good and be wise!
An old post shared again as it corresponds somewhat to my state of mind these days!

Friends welcome here as always!

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Friday, July 5, 2019


Zits cartoon strip. Courtesy Internet.

Z for Zits

I happen to read the comic strip ’Zits’ in a Newspaper our son subscribed for when I’s visiting the US many years back. I enjoyed the well-timed humor of the main character Jeremy Duncan. I didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘Zits’ at that time and looked it up in the dictionary. It surprised me to know that it meant pimples, which most adolescents experience in their teens.

However, I failed to notice any correlation between the word 'Zits' and the theme of the strip. There was seemingly no character having zits on his/her face. After that though, I forgot all about it as no publication known to me carried the specific comic strip in India.
Since I’s to write something on the prompt word ‘Z’, I suddenly remembered the comic strip named ‘Zits’ as a possible starting point. The significance of the title ‘Zits’ occurred to me there and then like an act of serendipity.

For most of the adolescents, teen years constitute a phase of confusion turmoil and tribulations of mental and physical nature. One of the miserable circumstances of the phase is the appearance of unexplained zits on their young healthy faces. The untold misery this condition causes in young minds can be described as depression, isolation and being extremely conscious.

Similarly, the hero of ‘Zits’ Jeremy Duncan a tall somewhat clumsy but intelligent 16-year high school sophomore who aspired to become a rock musician faced extreme harassments and miseries in his growing up years. Hence the title 'Zits' of this comic strip seems to be symbolic, subtle and  imaginative one.

So much for the comic strip!

I recall somewhat vividly the horrifying scenario when I’s in my late teens and enjoying summer vacations. I started noticing the slow arrival of small eruptions on my face. Within a few days, the whole face was dotted and looked ugly. I felt devastated. I remained closeted in my room for days. I covered the offending things with Band-Aids. The mirror became the most hateful object. Fortunately, for me, the pimples cleared away soon enough. The vacation period was a Godsend.

I think only a few teens escape this disfiguring episode in the most impressionable period in their lives. Both my kids had more than their fair share of this scourge too.

I do not care what the dermatologists say about the causes of this upsetting condition (hormonal changes, clogging of pores, etc.) generally; blemishes fade away on their own or with some acne medication in due course of time.

Friends welcome here as always! 

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