Friday, July 12, 2019


ABC Wednesday's 25th round is special and offers a new challenge for our creative juices to flow ragingly!

  A is for Aging

Time’s ruthless sickle is unsparing.
Its onslaught never misses its mark.

Slowly ambushes man's dynamism,

And grins at his feeble labors.

Its roguish persona is a sly robber,

Of the vitality of the sinews.

Disables their power of renewal,

And dries up the linkages of the limbs.

It mocks man’s morbidity,

Being immune to age’s frailties.

Carries on aiming its callous arrows,

At man’s vulnerabilities.

How funny to say, age is only a number!

Why fool with rosy euphemisms.

Do they disarm the attack of disintegration?

Can they stop the furrows of time’s plough?

Can any potion bring back the swagger in the gait?

Or carefree run on the stairs of life;

Or falsify verities of fears, insecurities, and dwindling life force;

Or prevent dipping assurances and lurking letdowns.

Time wields its power in equal measure,

Over mighty kings, rulers or humankind.

All surrender to its karmic symbolism,

‘It is our destiny’ they echo.


An epilogue for the aging:

Be engaged, be good and be wise!
An old post shared again as it corresponds somewhat to my state of mind these days!

Friends welcome here as always!

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  1. Hari OM
    No harm in 'retreading' old words - such writings do not 'age'!!! YAM xx

  2. I'm now collecting Social Security. Just sayin'.

  3. The title of your post and poem is apt. I think age is a constant battle between mind and body. My mind is stuck at 25, my body reminds me time and time again that age is long gone :) Loved your poem.

    dropping by from the ABCWed linkup

  4. Currently this body of mine exemplifies your poem. Drat! Fortunately, my mind and spirit don't feel aged and they will be what helps me manage this aging cell. :-)
