Friday, August 13, 2021

A Poem


This poem was originally composed in my mother tongue PUNJABI a few months back. At that time my mental state matched with the sentiments expressed below.

At that time my inner-self longed to transcend the status quo.

Some peculiar situations came in between and I kept postponing translating it, into ENGLISH.  The thoughts and emotions, which propelled me to write this poem then had somewhat mellowed; yet I vowed to start my blog journey once again with something original after more than two years of indecisiveness. 

Friends, hoping that you’ll accept me as you did in the past. I know my creative juices need a lot of practice to flow again.


Suddenly being conscious of sweet fragrance pervading around,

 As if shackled in a closet, it was gasping for breath,

As if it freed itself after breaking open chains of inertia,

As if it woke up from the pointless conversations of life,

As if it swept off the hazy sheet from the mind mirror.

As if after decades, it animated the mind to songs of joy,

As if it curtained off life’s qualms in guffaws of laughter,

As if it got rid of the fake persona to face clear waters,

As if it touched the skies perched on the mountain peaks.

A sudden violent nudge disrupted the flow of emotions,

A voice spoke: Oh, ignorant being it was within you forever,

Only it slumbered waiting for you to wake up.

Isn’t it that...?

This short life of ours infuses immense possibilities,

But sadly, the existence stays bound in life’s frivolities.




  1. I could relate or almost go through it sometimes. There's a lot to do and stay happy in lighthearted ways, but some complicate life when things could sweep out like dust. I'm sure it sound profound in regional language.

    Take care
